Backup Lawyers

If you were to experience a short-term disability or injury that prevented you from working, what would happen to your clients and your firm? Would they still be there when you got back? Would important matters be neglected leading to possible claims?

According to the ARDC, fewer than 1 in 4 solo and small firms have a written backup plan in place. Download this guide to create a backup plan that will help you provide your clients with the level of service they expect from you. The guide includes:

  • How to formulate a backup-lawyer plan
  • How to document the details
  • What to look for in a backup lawyer – a checklist
  • Initial setup of a backup-lawyer system – a checklist
  • Annual review of a backup-lawyer system – a checklist
  • Sample backup lawyer agreement

Download Backup Lawyers for Solo & Small Firms

Some resources found in the appendix: