Termination of Representation Letter – Case Closed

Termination of Representation Letter – Case Closed



[Name and Address of Client]


            RE: Termination of Representation

            FILE: [FILE NUMBER]


Dear [Client’s Name]:

We are pleased to have had the opportunity to represent you in connection with your [LEGAL MATTER].  The case is now concluded.  Since we have completed our legal work, we are closing our file and removing it from our active files list.

Enclosed are the documents from your file, which are being returned to you. We are in possession of no other funds or property belonging to you. We suggest that you keep all of the contents of your personal file in a safe place where you can easily find them. We periodically clean out and destroy our closed files. Unless we hear from you to the contrary in writing, our file regarding this will be destroyed on our regular schedule.

There is some follow up required in this matter, specifically [SUMMARIZE DETAILS] (e.g., filing of continuation statements within five years of the date of the original financing statements were filed; changing beneficiaries on the life insurance policies, discharging the liens in bankruptcy, etc.). Our firm will not be doing those tasks, and you will need to take the further action, as appropriate.

Again, it was our pleasure representing you. Thank you for your confidence in us. Please contact us if we can be of service to you in the future.






NOTE: This material is intended as only an example, which you may use in developing your own form. It is not considered legal advice and as always, you will need to do your own research to make your own conclusions with regard to the laws and ethical opinions of your jurisdiction. In no event will ISBA Mutual Insurance Company be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material.